We have a lot going on ...

I've started and stopped many blogs over the years; the only one I ever really loved, I kept over at Livejournal and stopped using sometime between 2004 and 2006. I've missed writing and blogging, and while I post often on Facebook, I miss the soul-baring of a good long-form blog post.

Now don't get scared and run off. I'm not going to start posting ten-page essays on the meaning of life. Ain't nobody got time for that.

My intention here is many-faceted. First, I want one place to put updates about my sweet husband's battle with butt cancer. It's just getting going, and I promise this won't turn into a place for me to get maudlin. It's very serious, but I refuse to let it take my sense of humor. Rectal cancer is a right pain in the butt, and I'm not about to let anyone forget it.

Second, I try to document a lot of the hilarious stuff that my kids do, and I'm tired of documenting it on Facebook. Frankly, I'm tired of Facebook, and I need a place to reclaim the content I've created there over the years and begin organizing it by date, by kid, by behavior, etc. These two are really weird, and I want to make sure I can access the weirdness when they're older and need to be blackmailed properly.

Third, I need a place where I can work out thoughts and ideas without having the Outrage of Facebook jump down my throat. Now don't get me wrong; I also spend a lot of time being Outraged on Facebook. That's why I want out, though. I'm tired of being outraged, and while it might be an exercise of privilege to do so, I am laying down my outrage and looking for a new creative outlet.

I hope you enjoy this. I hope you share it with your friends, and I hope they enjoy it, too. Tell me if you do!

#buttcancer #rectalcancerisapita #byefacebook #dumpfacebook
